
Showing posts from December, 2018

Communication Theory

Communication Theory  Communication is really important! Can you imagine if there is no communication in the world? It will be an awful world to be living in. Why do I say so? Imagine if you have something you want or desire but you cannot have it because you cannot communicate. Imagine having certain feelings in yourself yet you cannot express it. Other than that, imagine if you have a brilliant idea on something but you cannot use it because you cannot communicate. Life would have no meaning and is not worth living if we are in that state of life. That is how powerful communication is! Communication is core in life. It is unaviodable. One cannot avoid from having communication. To be exact, every living things in this world have to communicate and practise communication in their daily life.  An individual has to communicate to express his feelings, pass on information to the other human beings and share his thoughts and feelings. Do only Human Beings Communicate ?...

What is Theory?

What is Theory?  Hello readers! Yes, we might be late for this particular entry because we have posted up Communication Theories before explaining what is theory . Without further ado, here we go! Theory   Theory clarify about how some aspect of human behavior or performance is organized. It allows us to make predictions about that behavior. Other than that, the components of theory are concepts (ideally well defined) and principles. ---- A concept is a symbolic representation of an actual thing such as : book, door, table, pencil, distance, etc. Other word for concepts with no physical referent are called Construct. The example for construct can be democracy, learning, freedom, etc. -- Language enables conceptualizations. The other components of theory are Principles. A Principle expresses the relationship between two or more concepts and constructs. In the process of theory development, one derives principles based on oneÕs examining/questioning how thin...

Teori Maklumat (Information Theories)

Teori Maklumat (Information Theories)         Shannon dan Weazer ialah penulis buku klasik iaitu ‘Teori Matematik Komunikasi’. Berdasarkan buku tersebut, Shannon dan Weazer menyatakan dan mengenal pasti cara paling cepat dan berkesan untuk mendapatkan mesej dari satu titik ke satu titik yang lain. Tujuan mereka menghasilkan buku klasik tersebut adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana mesej komunikasi boleh ditukarkan menjadi isyarat elektronik yang paling cekap.               Menurut Shannon dan Weazer, maklumat didefinisikan sebagai ukuran kebebasan pilihan seseorang apabila seseorang memilih mesej. Dalam teori maklumat, maklumat dan ketidakpastian sangat berkait rapat dimana semakin besar ketidakpastian yang dikeluarkan oleh mesej, semakin kuat korelasi antara input dan output saluran komunikasi dan lebih banyak maklumat yang diterima. Teori maklumat mengukur kuantiti semua jenis maklumat dari segi bit (digit biner). Teori maklu...


TWO-STEP FLOW THEORY (YOU ARE INFLUENCED BY YOUR INFLUENZER) HISTORY The Two-Step Flow Theory is first introduced by Paul Lazarfeld, BernanrdBerelson and Hazel Gaudet in The People’s Choice as a communication hypothesis, this 1944 study focused on the decision-making process during a Presidential election campaign. These researchers aim to find a support that suggested the direct influence of media messages on voting intentions. They were surprised to discover that informal, personal contacts were mentioned very frequently than exposure to broadcast and print media as sources of influence on voting behavior. With this result, Katz and Lazarfeld developed the Two-Step Flow Theory of Mass Communication. PROBLEM STATEMENT Two-Step Flow Theory suggests that information from the media moves in two distinct stages. The First, individuals (who also functions as opinion leaders) pay close attention to mass media and its messages receive the information. Opinion leaders...


AGENDA SETTING THEORY (THE CREATION OF WHAT THE PUBLIC THINK IS IMPORTANT) HISTORY Agenda Setting Theory pictures the media to be a powerful influence of the media and its ability to tell us issues that are important. It dates back to 1922 when a newspaper columnist, Walter Lippman wondered about the power that the media holds in presenting images and news publically. Maxwell E. McCombs and Donald L. Shaw (McComb& Shaw) took this thought in mind and began investigating and researching on American presidential campaigns on 1968, 1972 and 1976. In their 1968 research, they focused on two elements, which are awareness and information. Their attempt is to analysis the relationship between what the voters in a community said were important issue to the actual content of the message that the media used during the campaign. They concluded that the mass media applied an important influence on what voters considered to be major issues of a campaign. PROBLEM S...


CULTIVATION THEORY (TELEVISION SHAPES CONCEPTS OF SOCIAL REALITY) HISTORY Cultivation Theory or also known as Cultivaton Hypothesis and Cultivation Analysis is an approach developed by Professor George Gerbner who began conducting a research entitled “Cultural Indicators” in the 1960s. The research aimed to understand if television could influence viewer’s thought on what the everyday world would be like. The research also wanted to predict the “effects” that viewers will get through television; is the effect long-term? Small? Indirect? Or uncalculated? PROBLEM STATEMENT Cultivation Theory suggest that television shapes or “cultivate” viewers’ conceptions of the social reality. The effect of television exposure by viewers over time would shapes the perception of social reality for an individual, which would later affect the cultural influence as a whole. George Gerbner suggested that mass media cultivate attitudes and value that are already present in a cultu...