What is Theory?

What is Theory? 

Hello readers! Yes, we might be late for this particular entry because we have posted up Communication Theories before explaining what is theory. Without further ado, here we go!


Theory clarify about how some aspect of human behavior or performance is organized. It allows us to make predictions about that behavior.

Other than that, the components of theory are concepts (ideally well defined) and principles.
A concept is a symbolic representation of an actual thing such as : book, door, table, pencil, distance, etc.

Other word for concepts with no physical referent are called Construct. The example for construct can be democracy, learning, freedom, etc. -- Language enables conceptualizations.

The other components of theory are Principles. A Principle expresses the relationship between two or more concepts and constructs.

In the process of theory development, one derives principles based on oneÕs examining/questioning how things/concepts are related. 

However, concepts and principles provide two important functions. The first functions that it serve is they help us to understand or explain what is going on around us. Other than than, the second function they help us predict future events and it can be causal or correlational.

A theory related with set of concepts and principles? how?

A theory is a related set of concepts and principles which about a phenomenon and the purpose of which is to explain or predict the phenomenon.


Why theory is important

    1. Theory provides concepts to name what we observe and to explain relationships between concepts. Theory allows us to explain what we see and to figure out how to bring about change. Theory is a tool that enables us to identify a problem and to plan a means for altering the situation.

    2. Theory is to justify reimbursement to get funding and support - need to explain what is being done and demonstrate that it works - theory and research

    3. Theory is to enhance the growth of the professional area to identify a body of knowledge with theories from both within and with out the area of distance learning. That body of knowledge grows with theory and research. Theory guides research.

    ÒThe theory also helps us understand what we donÕt know and, therefore, is the only guide to research. Relating to theory, it increases its ability to solve other problems in different times and different places.Ó (Moore, 1991: 2)

Development of theories

    Theory is constantly revised as new knowledge is discovered through research. Three stages of theory development in any new ÒscienceÓ
      1) Speculative - attempts to explain what is happening.
      2) Descriptive - gathers descriptive data to describe what is really happening.
      3) Constructive - revises old theories and develops new ones based on continuing research.

Theory development process

    1) Theory-practice-theory take existing theory in education, apply to distance learning, develop new theory
    2) Practice-research-theory see what is happening in distance learning, submit to research, develop theory from results
    3) Theory-theory-research/practice build on an initial theory to develop a second theory, then apply and test it


Source : http://faculty.jou.ufl.edu/mleslie/spring96/theory.html?fbclid=IwAR2hEwXA5efgpMEOcT-P0KF7TE4ZwCZj2DMDiTnZBhgiD23TH5orBzQz3qQ



  1. About the theory :

    -Theories are formulated to explain, predict and understand phenomena in man case.
    -Theories also explain how some aspect of human behaviour of performance in organized.
    -Compenents of theory are concept(ideally well difened) and principles.
    -Theories specfically/applicable in the field of communication.
    -A concepts is a symbholic representation of an actual thing.


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